Privacy Policy
Body Gift is committed to ensuring users’ online safety as far as is reasonably possible. Users should ensure should not divulge their user names and passwords to any other persons.
Body Gift will not disclose users’ information to any third parties without users’ consent, but may under certain circumstances disclose information to national and international legal authorities; as is prescribed by section 51 of the ECTA.
Body Gift collects users’ information when users voluntarily complete online forms or surveys or sends an e-mail or message to Body Gift Information provided by users in this context shall be used for the purpose for which it is provided unless users are otherwise informed at the time of furnishing Body Gift with the information. Body Gift may use such information to contact users and for non-personal or identifiable research purposes. Body Gift retains the right to otherwise use unidentifiable information.
Body Gift may make use of cookies to improve personalized service to users. Should users not want cookies to be storied on their computers, they should disable cookies in their Internet browsers.